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Traditional Singers

Nadleh Is located 3 km off of highway 16 west of Fort Fraser, Nadleh is a First Nations government of the Dakelh people, whose territory is located in the Central Interior of British Columbia, Canada at the east end of Nadleh Bunk’ut (Fraser Lake). Our nation has seven reserves most of the members live on Nadleh while some live in Lejac and the rest of the reserves are used as fishing and hunting areas. Our population is 560 members; about 150 people live in the community. Our Traditional Territory encompassed the towns of Fort Fraser, Fraser Lake, Endako, and Vanderhoof.


Nadleh means “Where the salmon return”. Each year salmon is harvested for consumption, as it is the main staple food of our people. The Nautley River is the shortest river in North America only half a mile long, it connects Nadleh Bunk’ut (Fraser Lake) to the Nechako River.


The Nadleh Whut’en speaks a dialect of the Dakelh language, which is part of the Athapaskan language family. We refer our selves as Dakelh, which means “People who travel by Water”

The Nadleh Whut’en Traditional Performers have started in 2010 when they were chosen to perform in the 2010 Winter Olympics. At the time we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. We also had no idea what it was going to look like or who wanted to be apart of it. We had 57 members who were interested in joining the group. Various band members came together to help make the regalia’s, choreographed the dancers to each song. This was a challenge as each time we changed something in the dance the kids had to get use to the new changes.


Today we have about 25 dancers and 20 singers the members in the group are from age’s four to sixty-five years old.  We have travelled all over the Central Interior of British Columbia to perform at different events.


The Songs we sing are our clan songs from the Balhats System. Nadleh has 5 different clans within our Balhats System

  • Lhtseh Yoo (Frog Clan)

  • Duntem Yoo (Bear Clan)

  • Ihtsumus Yoo (Owl/Grouse Clan)

  • Tsa Yoo (Beaver Clan)

 To Book The Traditional Performers for an event please contact the Nadleh Whuten Band

Thank You

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